首页> 中文期刊>医学综述 >米非司酮加米索前列醇不同用药方法对中期妊娠引产的效果观察




Objective To explore the best medication administration mode of mifepristone plus misoprostol used in the mid-pregnancy induction of labor. Methods 192 cases of pregnant women who voluntarily ask for termination of the pregnancy were divided into three groups, group I : lasting oral mifepristone 50 mg,2 times/d,foi 3 days,on the 4th day fasting misoprostol 600 μg;group Ⅱ : mifepristone use and dosage same as group I , on the 4th day misoprostol 400 μg placed at back vault of vaginal; group Ⅲ : mifepristone oi 200 mg for one take, misoprostol placed at back vault oi vaginal alter 36 hours as group Ⅱ . Contractions occurrence time, the total labor time, the rate of successful induction of the three groups after medication were observed. Results Successful induction rate, contraction occurrence time, delivery time and postpaitum hemorrhage of group I were statistically significantly different compared with group Ⅰ ,Ⅱ ( P < 0. 05 ). Conclusion One take of 200 mg mifepristone with placement of misoprostol in posterior vaginal vault has the highest success rate for the mid-pregnancy induction oi labor.%目的探讨米非司酮加米索前列醇应用于中期妊娠引产的最佳用药方式.方法将192例自愿要求终止妊娠的中期妊娠孕妇随机分为三组,Ⅰ组:空腹口服米非司酮50 mg,每日2次,共3 d,第4天空腹顿服米索前列醇600 μg;Ⅱ组:米非司酮用法及用量同Ⅰ组,第4天于阴道后穹隆处放置米索前列醇400 μg;Ⅲ组:顿服米非司酮200 mg,36 h后阴道后穹隆处置放米索前列醇,用法及用量同第Ⅱ组.观察用药后三组患者宫缩出现的时间、总产程时间、引产成功率等情况.结果 Ⅲ组的引产成功率、用药后开始出现宫缩的时间、用药后分娩时间及产后出血量方面,与Ⅰ、Ⅱ组相比,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论顿服米非司酮配200 mg、阴道后穹隆处置放米索前列醇,对于中期妊娠引产成功率最高.



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