首页> 中文期刊>医学综述 >灾后应急救援疫情传播风险及科学防控措施的研究进展




地震、洪水等自然灾害发生后,积极做好应急救援工作的同时,要充分估计灾区疫情防控的形势,认真分析灾区的具体困难和薄弱环节,不断完善应急预案,坚持依法科学有效开展卫生防疫,千方百计确保大灾之后无大疫。该文以国内外重大自然灾害疫情的特点为基础,结合目前我国灾后防疫工作存在的问题进行分析,提出了针对我国自然灾害发生后传染病科学防控的研究前景和发展方向。%After earthquake,floods and other natural disasters,we should actively carry out emergency rescue work and fully assess the disaster epidemic prevention and control of the situation , carefully analyze the specific difficulties of the affected areas,and constantly improve the emergency response plan,adhere to the law to carry out scientific and effective sanitary prevention to ensure no major epidemics after the disas-ter.Here is to summarize the characteristics of the epidemic situation of major natural disasters at home and abroad,and analyze the existing problems in epidemic control in China ,and put forward the research prospect and development trend of prevention and control of infectious diseases after natural disasters in China .



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