首页> 中文期刊> 《西部医学》 >绝经后阴道出血患者的子宫内膜厚度分析




Objective To determine the prevalence of endometrial hyperplasia and endometrial cancer in postmeno-pausal women with endometrial thickness of 4. 0-8.0mm on transvaginal ultrasound scan. Design: Prospective observational study carried out in the Heart of Union Taihe Hospital of Hubeiyiyao Medical College in a population of 58 women with postmenopausal bleeding. Methods Prospective analysis of all women referred to the Rapid Access Clinic in the Heart with a history of postmenopausal bleeding period (January 2010-October 2010). Endometrial histology was taken as the final diagnosis. The main outcome measure was endometrial histology in women with postmenopausal bleeding with endometrial thickness of 4. 0~8.0mm. Results All women (n = 58) diagnosed with endometrial thickness of 4. 0~ 8.0mm on transvaginal sonography were included in the analysis. Out of these, a histological diagnosis was available in 17 women (29.3%). In total, three (5.2%) women were diagnosed with complex endometrial hyperplasia and three (5. 2%) women were diagnosed with endometrial carcinoma. Conclusion There is a significant prevalence of endometrial hyperplasia and endometrial cancer in postmenopausal women with a history of postmenopausal bleeding and who had endometrial thickness of 4. 0~8.0mm. Therefore, the current recommendation of histological assessment on all women with endometrial thickness 4.0mm should remain unchanged.%目的 研究子宫内膜厚度(4.0~8.0mm)在绝经后阴道出血的患者进行有创检查的必要性.方法 选取2010年1月~10月在十堰市太和医院妇科就诊的绝经后阴道出血的患者,通过问卷调查、进行阴道超声波扫描及宫腔镜检查,将子宫内膜厚度为4.0~8.0mm的患者58例刮取子宫内膜进行病理诊断.结果 58例患者中29.3%(17/58)未能获得子宫内膜样本,子宫内膜增生13.8%(8/58),慢性子宫内膜炎15.5%(9/58),子宫内膜息肉22.4%(13/58),子宫内膜癌5.2%(3/58),复杂性子宫内膜增生5.2%(3/58).结论 在子宫内膜厚度>4.0mm的绝经后阴道出血患者中,复杂的子宫内膜增生和子宫内膜癌的患病率较高.提示对子宫内膜厚度为4.0mm及以上的患者开展子宫内膜组织检查的必要性.



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