首页> 中文期刊> 《西北国防医学杂志》 >远红外线救治海水浸泡性体温中度过低症兔复温效果试验




Objective:To evaluate the rewarming effects of far - infrared rays on medium hypothermia rabbits made by cold seawater immersion . Methods: Thirty healthy rabbits were randomly divided into 3 groups; spontaneous rewarming group, water - bath rewarming group and far - infrared rewarming group. Each group had 10 animals. The medium hypothermia animal model was made by immersing all rabbits in seawater with a temperature of(21.0±0. 5)℃ to a stable rectal temperature of 30℃. Some parameters were recorded in the experiments, including; the temperature dropping amplitude after rewarming, the mean time required for rectal temperature rewarming to 35℃ , the quantity of IL - 8 in hematoplasma sampled from internal jugular vein after 3 hours rewarming. Results; The parameters, including the mean rewarming time, the temperature dropping amplitude and the IL - 8 quantity in hematoplasma, have significant differences in the three rewarming groups (P < 0.01). Conclusion: The far - infrared rewarming method is a valid way to treat the medium hypothermia from seawater immersion. The good properties of the method include the suitable rewarming rate, the little dropping amplitude of the temperature after rewarming, and the small quantity of IL - 8 in hematoplasma. The far - infrared rewarming method is safe and effective. Moreover, it is protective for the organism.%目的:利用远红外线对海水浸泡性体温中度过低症兔进行复温,观察其复温速度、体温后降幅度及血浆IL -8变化,与现有复温方法比较,综合评价其复温效果.方法:将30只健康新西兰兔随机分为3组:自然组、水浴组和远红外线组,每组10只.将家兔浸泡于(21.0±0.5)℃人工海水中至肛温30℃,制备海水浸泡性体温中度过低症动物模型.分别采用自然、水浴、远红外线3种方法对其进行复温,记录体温后降幅度,以及兔肛温恢复至35C时各组所用复温时间.复温3h自颈内静脉采血,测定血浆IL -8含量.结果:各组间复温时间、体温后降幅度、复温3h血浆IL -8含量均有统计学差异(P<0.01).结论:远红外线复温法是一种有效救治海水浸泡性体温过低症的方法,具有复温速度适中、体温后降幅度小、血浆IL -8表达少等优点,安全有效复温的同时兼具机体保护作用.



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