首页> 中文期刊> 《中国医学创新》 >实验室间全血检测结果互认方法及要求




The doctor-patient contradiction deeply,in addition to media oriented problem,economic reasons are also important pusher,and the test cost is a very important part of the burden of the patients. Each hospital between results in doctors are not recognized,especially the low level hospital inspection results in superior hospital not to be recognized is particularly prominent,even the most basic blood test results is not recognized. In order to solve the problem of improving comparability of the results,the Ministry of Health thought of laboratory results between each other,have to say if this policy implemented well,have to say is a result in now,benefit is in a thousand years Albert chan. But how to ensure that the results are reliable and mutual recognition,the Ministry of Health has no clear attitude and methods on how to do a good job,following laboratory blood the mutual recognition of the talk about their own views,that in the future more results mutual accredit myself a little strength contribution.%  医患矛盾的加深,除媒体导向有问题外,经济原因也是很重要的推手,而检验费用又是患者负担很重要的一部分。各医院之间结果在医生中互不认可,尤其是低级别医院的检验结果在上级医院中不被认可的情况尤为突出,甚至连最为基本的全血检测结果也不认可。为解决结果互认的问题,卫生部想到了实验室结果间的互认,这项政策如果落实得好,是一件功在当今,利在千秋的伟业。但如何保证结果的可靠和互认,卫生部又没有明确的态度和方法,下面就如何做好实验室间全血结果的互认谈下自己看法,以为将来更多的结果互认贡献下自己一点力量。



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