首页> 中文期刊> 《中国医学创新》 >胺碘酮注射液外渗所致组织损伤和静脉炎的护理策略




目的:将传统的静脉输液方式转变为专业的血管评估程序化输液,以期对患者的血管起更好的保护作用。方法:42例患者分别接受程序化的血管处理。结果:42例患者中,有30例出现不等程度的组织损伤和静脉炎,仅有1例患者的静脉血管因受到胺碘酮注射液的影响出现局部组织坏死现象(后来经过切开引流而治愈),剩余患者均需要局部治疗才可痊愈(使用土豆片或者硫酸镁)。结论:常见于胺碘酮注射液的并发症是组织损伤和静脉炎。减少患者发生组织损伤和静脉炎的情况的策略是:由传统的静脉输液方式改为专业化血管评估的程序化输液方法,有效促进护理人员专业技术水平的提高,不仅要加强其责任心,更要能正确评估穿刺血管的情况并熟练掌握该药的特点。%Objective:To change the traditional way of intravenous fluids into professional vascular assessment programmed infusion,in order to better protect the patient’s blood vessels.Method:Forty-two patients accepted programmed vascular treatment respectively.Result:In 42 patients,there were 30 patients with different degree of tissue damage and phlebitis,1 patient happenedvein tissue necrosis because of effect of amiodarone injection(then after incision drainage and cured),the remaining patients were local treatment need to heal(Used potato chips or magnesium sulfate).Conclusion:Common in amiodarone injection complication is tissue damage and phlebitis.Reduction of tissue injury and phlebitis occurring in patients with strategy is:from the traditional way of intravenous infusion into a specialized vascular assessment programmed infusion method,effectively promote the nursing personnel technical level enhancement,not only to strengthen their sense of responsibility,more to correctly assess puncture blood vessels and mastering the characteristics of the drug.



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