首页> 中文期刊> 《材料导报》 >球磨工艺对太阳能电池正面银浆用玻璃粉的影响




The effect of various milling parameters such as muling time, water to powder weight ratio, ball to powder weight ratio and grinding ball gradation on the particle size and morphology of glass frit was investigated. The silver paste* prepared by mixing the glass frit with a certain proportion of silver powder &. Organic vehicle, was prin ted and sintered in silicon chip. The electrical properties of polycrystalline silicon solar cells were detected. The results show that the grinding time of 4h, solid to liquid weight ratio of 1 : 0. 8, ball to powder weight ratio of 2. 5 : 1 and grinding ball gradation of 3 : 2 : 1 are the best ball milling parameters for glass frit used for front silver paste. The R, of solar cells is 7.15mΩ and its conversion efficiency reaches 16. 56%.%研究了球磨时间、固液比、料球比和磨球尺寸与级配对太阳能电池银浆用玻璃粉粒度及形貌的影响,并将其与一定比例的银粉、有机载体配制成导电银浆,印刷、烧结在硅片上形成晶体硅太阳能电池片,测试了其电学性能.实验结果表明,将玻璃粉用作正面银浆粘接剂时,其最佳的行星球磨工艺参数:球磨时间为4h,固液质量比为1∶0.8,料球质量比为2.5∶1,磨球级配w(大)∶w(中)∶w(小)为3∶2∶1.此时,制备的多晶硅太阳能电池串联电阻为7.15mΩ,光电转换效率可达16.56%.



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