首页> 中文期刊>农业科技管理 >全球化背景下加强我国农业国际科技合作工作的思考




当今经济全球化加速了农业科技全球化进程,国际农业科技合作已经成为世界各国应对全球农业发展重大挑战的重要途径和主要手段。文章分析了农业科技国际合作面临的新形势、新任务和新要求,阐述了我国农业科技发展水平和农业科技国际合作主要做法,在此基础上研究分析了我国农业国际合作存在的主要问题,并从完善机制、加强投入、平台建设等不同角度提出了政策建议,以期为我国开展农业国际科技合作提供参考和借鉴。%As the globalization of economy speed up the globalization of agricultural science and technology, the international cooperation of agricultural science and technology becomes the very important way of meeting the new challenge in various countries in the world. The new situations, tasks and requirement of international cooperation of agricultural science and technology were analyzed in the paper. The level of our agricultural science and technology and new international cooperation measures were expounded. Problems of the international agricultural cooperation in China were analyzed and the policy suggestions were put forward from perfecting mechanism, enforcing financial investment, platform instruction, etc. This will provide preferences and advice for agricultural scientific and technological cooperation of China.



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