首页> 中文期刊> 《机械设计与制造》 >刹车制动系统形状优化的基频研究




为改善刹车制动系统的动态特性.依据动力学原理推导盘式刹车片的固有频率解析式,运用OptiStruct对不同材料属性的盘式刹车片进行模态分析并验证理论解析的正确性,确定制动系统中最佳的材料.基于HyperMorph对盘式制动盘进行预变形定义并作为形状优化的设计变量,通过OptiStruct优化求解器计算盘式制动盘的最佳结构形状和设计变量灵敏度.它大大提高了盘式制动盘的低阶固有频率且灵敏度分析可给出优化过程中对优化结果影响最大的设计变量并进行针对性的改进.该方法对提高刹车制动系统的性能、降低制动噪音和减小振动有着非常重要的意义.%In order to improve the dynamic performance of brake system.This paperdeducedthe analytical formula of disc brake pad's natural frequencybased on the dynamic principle, the modal analysis of disc brake pad with different material properties was put forward by using OptiStruct software, and the correctness of theoretical analysis was verified, so that the best material in brake system was determined. Pre-defined deformation of disc brake disc was carried out based on HyperMorph and we put themas design variablesfor shape optimization.The best shape and design variables sensitivity ofdiscbrake disc were calculated through the OptiStruct optimization solver.Itgreatlyimproves the low-order natural frequency of disc brakeand the sensitivity analysis of disc brake disc based on OptiStruct during shape optimization could give the design variable which most affects the optimization results in the optimization processand makes corresponding improvement. It's important to improve the performance of brake system,reduce brake noise andrestrain vibration.



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