首页> 中文期刊> 《机床与液压》 >车间能耗实时监测系统的研究与设计




为了提高车间能耗的监测与管理水平,从远程监测管理角度出发,定义具有拓展性的车间设备组网协议,设计一种车间能耗实时监测系统,以此监测管理车间实时能耗情况,为车间能量效率评估和车间设备维护、 升级、 改造提供准确数据支持.该系统已实际应用于数控加工车间的能耗监测,实际应用表明:该系统能实时监测车间能耗情况,数据传输实时性强、 稳定性好,增强了企业对车间能耗的管控.%In order to improve the monitoring and management level of plant energy consumption, from the perspective of remote monitoring and management of workshop equipment, a network protocol with expansion was defined, a real-time monitoring system was designed to monitor energy consumption in workshop, to provide accurate data to support the workshop equipment maintenance, upgra-ding and transformation. The energy consumption monitoring system has been applied to the NC machining workshop. The practical ap-plication shows that the system can be used to monitor the power plant energy consumption with real-time data transmission and good stability, enhancing the control of enterprise to energy consumption in workshop.



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