首页> 中文期刊> 《润滑与密封》 >低压螺旋槽上游泵送气体端面密封零泄漏特性




采用有限差分方法,基于对螺旋槽端面气膜压力分布、流速分布和泄漏率变化的数值计算分析,探讨低压上游泵送螺旋槽气体端面密封实现被密封介质零泄漏的作用机制和变化规律.结果表明,螺旋槽上游泵送作用可在高压侧形成周向封闭的高于密封压力的高压流体环带,阻止被密封介质进入密封间隙,实现被密封高压介质的零泄漏,形成密封介质的完全的反向泄漏;泄漏率随转速、槽数和膜厚的增加先减小后增大,随槽深、螺旋角和槽台宽比的增加先增大后减小,随槽根半径增加而减小;当转速、膜厚和槽数达到一定值时,泄漏方向会发生改变;开启力随转速和槽数增加而增大,随着膜厚的增大而减小,随槽深、螺旋角、槽台宽比和槽根半径的增加呈先增大后减小的趋势.%The principle of zero-leakage of upstream gas spiral groove face seals was investigated,based on numerical analysis of film pressure,flow velocity and leakage rate in the cases of low seal pressure.The numerical results indicate that the upstream pumping spiral groove face seal can realize the complete zero leakage of sealed fluid since a circumferential closed high pressure zone can be obtained near the inlet which prevents the inflow of high pressure sealed fluid.The leakage rate is decreases firstly and then increase with the increasing of rotational speed,groove number and film thickness,contrarily increased firstly and then decreased with the increasing of groove depth,spiral angle and groove width ratio,and decreased with the increasing of groove radius.The leakage direction is changed reversely once rotational speed,film thickness and groove number reach certain values.The opening force is increased with the increasing of rotational speed and groove number,and decreased with the increasing of film thickness,and turns from increasing to decreasing with increasing groove depth,spiral angle,groove width ratio and groove radius.



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