首页> 中文期刊> 《物流技术》 >压缩货物运输时间的铁路车流组织双层规划模型




To compress the time used for freight transportation, the paper establishes a bi-level programming model to optimize the organization of railway train-flow. Viewing the problem from the angle of the railway transportation department, the upper-level model aims at minimizing the organizational cost of the train-flow throughout the whole railway network, considers the constraints such as the limited mar-shalling-departure and receiving rapacities of the technical stations and the making of marshalling pre-decisions, etc., and, on such basis, determines the suitable marshalling and operational plans. The lower-level model mainly takes account of the demand and interests of the cargo owners. With minimizing the time for the breaking and shunting of the Irain-flows as the objective and with flow balance, homogeneity of train-flow organization and the limited breaking and shunting capacity of the technical stations as constraints, it formulates the plan for breaking and re-making the train-flows and feeds the data back to the upper-level. Then, the paper solves the model using simulated annealing algorithm, designs the annealing schedule and the algorithm, and finally verifies the effectiveness of the model and the algorithm through an empirical example of large-scale road network.%以压缩货物运输时间为目的构建了优化铁路车流组织的双层规划模型.上层从铁路运输部门的角度出发.以全路车流组织成本最少为目标,考虑了技术站的编发能力限制、接车能力限制及编组去向预决策等约束条件,确定编组去向的开行方案.下层规划考虑货主的需求和利益,以各股车流的改编中转时间最短为目标压缩货物的运输时间,以流量平衡、车流组织形式的唯一性和技术站改编能力限制作为约束条件,形成车流改编接续方案并反馈回上层.采用模拟退火算法对双层规划模型进行求解,设计了退火计划表并阐述了算法流程,最后通过实际路网大规模案例验证了模型和算法的有效性.



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