首页> 中文期刊> 《物流技术》 >供应链视角下企业诚信影响因素的交互测量及路径分析




In this paper, we studied the factors influencing the integrity of a company from a supply chain perspective as well as the strategy for the administration of these factors. Based on features and potential influence factors of corporate integrity, we proposed the interactive pre-set model of the corporate integrity influence factors from the supply chain perspective, studied the connotation of the influence factors and designed their measurement variables and questionnaire entries. Next, we screened the entries through pre-surveying and used the exploratory factor analysis and Cronbach's Alpha coefficient method to analyze the reliability and validity of the questionnaire;at the end, we verified and tested the pre-set model using the SEM and proposed from the perspective of the supply chain the suggestions for the management and improvement of corporate integrity.%研究了基于供应链视角的企业诚信影响因素及其管控策略问题。基于企业诚信的特征及其潜在的影响因素,提出了供应链视角下企业诚信影响因素的交互预设模型;研究了影响因素的内涵,并设计了因素的测量变量和问卷题项;通过预调研方法对问卷题项进行了筛选,利用探索性因子分析法和Cronbach’s Alpha系数法进行了问卷的效度和信度分析;采用结构方程模型对预设模型进行了验证和检验,进而提出基于供应链视角的企业诚信改善的管控建议。



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