首页> 中文期刊> 《文学与文化》 >“点石斋”的遗产--以初刊本、原始画稿与视觉性研究为中心




This essay reflects the present-day scholarly studies on Dianshizhai Pictorial and points out three dimensions in which more researches are needed. Firstly, Dianshizhai Pictorial needs reprintingurgently, based on the first versions including all the inserts, attachments and advertisements. Secondly, Shanghai History Museum is expected to photocopy the precious original sketches of Dianshizhai Pictorial, which is a great help to the researchers. Last but not the least, scholars should reexamine the old research interest in the social and historical aspects of Dianshizhai Pictorial, and reinforce the studies on the Pictorial itself, especially on the visuality content including its pictorial characteristics, mediation practices and techniques applied. Many things in Dianshizhai Pictorial are not recognized and we need to grasp its whole appearance exactly and then understand its great creativity.%本文讨论当前学界《点石斋画报》研究的基本状况,指出提升整体研究状况所亟需进行的三方面工作:首先是以初印本为基础,按原貌重印《点石斋画报》全本,收录插页画、附录和广告等丰富内容;其次是上海历史博物馆影印出版画报原始画稿,学界对这一宝贵资料进行探索;最后是学界反思既有的社会历史的研究思路,加强对画报本体的研究,深入探究其视觉性内容,包括图像特征、媒介性质和技术手段等。在《点石斋画报》筚路蓝缕的创造中,有很多内容尚未被后人真正认识,今人纪念“点石斋”,首要在于看清它的面貌,进而理解它的创造。



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