首页> 中文期刊>灯与照明 >基于线性高压恒流驱动的智能LED灯设计




文章设计了一款智能LED产品,该产品包括了蓝牙4.0 BLE模块、电源模块和线性高压恒流驱动芯片。智能LED灯内嵌的蓝牙4.0 BLE模块实现和智能手机的通信,同时通过IIC协议和线性高压恒流驱动芯片接口,获取LED灯的调光调色控制命令。采用非隔离线性高压恒流驱动方案,利用芯片SM2135的PWM技术实现LED灯的调光调色。该方案设计的智能LED灯具有控制电路简单、功率因数高、成本低、控制灵活的特点,通过具有蓝牙功能的智能手机可以自由选择照明方式,充分体现了智能LED灯的智能化和个性化特点。%This paper presents a intelligent LED products, which include Bluetooth 4 BLE module, power module and linear voltage constant current driver chip. Inteligent LED lamp can communicate with smart phones by the embedded Bluetooth 4.0 BLE module,at same time which can obtain th light and the color con⁃trol command through the IIC protocol and the linear voltage constant current drive chip interface.The scheme use non-isolation linear voltage constant and use SM2135 chip to adjust the light and dimme the color of LED lamp. The design of intelligent LED lighting control circuit is simple, high power factor, low cost, flexible control features,which can be flexible to choose the way of lighting and fully reflets the intelligence and per⁃sonality characteristics of intelligent LED lamp.



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