首页> 中文期刊>图书馆论坛 >美国公共图书馆的数字包容实践——以堪萨斯城公共图书馆为例




在数字化生存时代,公共图书馆在促进数字包容、弥合数字鸿沟中扮演着关键角色.近年来,美国公共图书馆探索了多种方式和实践项目来构建数字包容社区.文章以《数字包容调查》为基础剖析了美国公共图书馆数字包容的发展近况,在此基础上选择最佳实践之一的堪萨斯城公共图书馆进行深入探讨.公共图书馆开展数字包容项目应明确其在构建数字包容社区中的角色,完善图书馆的网络和数字基础设施,开发项目提高公众数字素养技能,提供公众所需的数字化服务项目,与利益相关者形成可持续的合作机制.%In the digital era,public libraries play a key role in promoting digital inclusion and bridging the digital divide. In recent years, American public libraries have been exploring much in building digital inclusive communities. Based on the Digital Inclusion Survey,this article makes a survey of the recent development of digital inclusion initiatives in American public libraries. It then make an in-depth analysis of the Kansas City Public Library,focusing on its programs such as Hotspots for Learning,Kansan City Digital Media Lab,Kansas City Coalition for Digital Inclusion, and Public Computing Facilities. In the end, it proposes that public libraries should clarify their roles in building digital inclusive communities, improve its network and digital infrastructures,develop programs to improve public digital literacy,provide online services most required by the public,and construct a sustainable cooperation mechanism with related institutions.



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