首页> 中文期刊> 《辽宁林业科技》 >辽宁省杨树栽培区划及适生品种




为了满足辽宁省的杨树栽培需求,在分析辽宁省的自然条件、杨树的生物学和生态学特性基础上,采用田间调查和模糊聚类分析等相结合的方法,将辽宁省划分为4个杨树栽培区、3个杨树组,即慢生杨树组、中生杨树组、速生杨树组;列出4个栽培区适合栽植的杨树品种(无性系)。讨论了山地和盐碱地栽植杨树以及气候变暖对速生杨树栽培的影响等问题。该文为以后辽宁省各地区如何选择杨树品种造林提供了技术支撑,具有较大的实际应用价值。%In order to meet the requirements of poplar culture in Liaoning province,four cultivation divisions of poplar were carried out in Liaoning province by using field testing and fuzzy cluster analysis methods etc,based on analysis Liaoning provincial natural conditions and biological and ecological characteristics of poplar. Poplar clones in Liaoning were divided into three groups,such as slow-growing poplar,middle-growing poplar and fast-growing poplar. And suitable clones for four culture regions were listed. Poplar cultivating in hill and saline-alkali soil and the influences of climate warming etc were discussed at last. This paper supplied technolog-ical supports for selecting poplar clones to afforest in Liaoning province. Therefore,it has the particularly important practical applica-tion value.



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