首页> 中文期刊>激光技术 >LD阵列封装误差对空心导管均匀性的影响




为了提高空心导管激光二极管(LD)抽运耦合系统的性能,采用理论分析和ZEMAX仿真模拟的方法研究了LD阵列封装误差对空心导管抽运耦合系统均匀性的影响.研究发现,当LD阵列中子光束经过空心导管后分割和叠加次数越多时,光束指向误差对空心导管的均匀性影响越小.在此基础上提出了空心导管LD抽运耦合系统的设计中对LD阵列光束准直的原则.结果表明,根据实际情况决定LD阵列中快慢轴方向准直后发散角的大小,以保证快慢轴方向的光束经过空心导管后能够有适当的反射和叠加次数,从而实现较高的耦合效率和抗LD阵列封装误差影响的能力.该研究可用于指导该类空心导管LD抽运耦合系统的设计.%In order to improve the performance of a hollow duct pumping system, how assembling error of a laser diode (LD) array affects the homogeneity of hollow ducts was studied by means of theoretical analysis and ZEMAX simulation. The result shows that the more each beamlet in a LD array is segmented, the less homogeneity is affected by beam direction error in LD array. Based on the above, collimating principle of LD beam in a hollow duct pumping system was proposed. That is, the collimated divergence of a LD array in fast and slow direction should be in a certain value to make sure that each beamlet can reflect several times in both directions. This can help to get a high coupling efficiency and make it insensitive to assembling error in LD array. This research is valuable for designing such kind of LD pumping systems.



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