首页> 中文期刊>郑州大学学报(医学版) >生物活性玻璃对体外脱矿釉质再矿化的影响




目的:观察生物活性玻璃对早期脱矿釉质再矿化的作用。方法:将40块牛牙釉质块建立人工龋模型后随机分为4组:生物活性玻璃组(用质量分数6%生物活性玻璃进行再矿化处理)、GC护牙素组、NaF组(用质量分数2%NaF进行再矿化处理)和去离子水组。采用pH循环法进行再矿化处理,2次/d,5 min/次,循环15 d。用显微硬度仪测量脱矿前、再矿化前及再矿化后牙釉质表面的显微硬度,荧光显微镜观察早期釉质龋表层下的荧光带厚度,测定脱矿深度。结果:生物活性玻璃组、GC护牙素组、NaF组再矿化后显微硬度均较再矿化前增加,且生物活性玻璃组提高幅度最大(P<0.05)。4组再矿化区荧光带厚度均较脱矿区降低(P<0.05),其中生物活性玻璃组、GC护牙素组、NaF组均大于去离子水组( P<0.05)。结论:质量分数6%生物活性玻璃溶液促进脱矿釉质再矿化的疗效较好。%Aim:To observe the effect of bioactive glass on the remineralization of demineralization enamel .Methods:Forty bovine teeth were subjected to establish demineralization enamel model , and then were allocated into four groups ran-domly(10 in each group) and treated with 6% bioactive glass, casein phosphopeptide amorphous calcium phosphate (CPP-ACP),2%sodium fluoride(NaF) and deionized water,respectively.Then they were subjected to the pH-cycling,two times a day and 5 minutes each time, cycling for 15 days for remineralization.The surface microhardness(SMH)of the enamel before demineralization,before and after remineralization were measured by microhardness detector .Thickness of fluorescence be-neath the surface of early enamel caries in the demineralization area and the remineralization area were detected by fluores -cence microscopy .Results: The SMH after remineralization in bioactive glass , CPP-ACP and NaF groups was higher than those before remineralization, and the change of bioactive glass group was the highest (P<0.05).The thickness of fluores-cence in the remineralization area was lower than that in the demineralization area in the four groups ( P<0.05), and the demineralization depth of bioactive glass ,CPP-ACP and NaF groups was higher than the deionized water group (P<0.05). Conclusion:6%bioactive glass solution had better effect on remineralization of demineralization enamel .



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