首页> 中文期刊>浙江中医药大学学报 >小儿抗早熟颗粒对SD大鼠模型雌二醇的调控作用研究




[Objective]To study the cure effect of Children Anti-premature Granule on specific neoteny model rats.[Method]Randomly divide SD rats into normal, model, medicinal groups.Among which, model and medicinal groups had hype injection of danazol; the medicinal group had the said granule; normal one had equal water.Take wet weight of uterus and ovary for organs coefficient.[Result]In model group, the cunnus opening and setting sexual period of SD rats were much advanced; that of medicinal group was delayed; there's no marked difference between model and medicinal groups on uterus coefficient, but marked difference on ovary; and no obvious difference between medicinal and normal group on E2 too.[Conclusion]Danazole hype injection can induce SD rats premature model; the granule can delay cunnus opening, reduce ovary coefficient, control over rise of E2, delay sexual development, and offer experimental base for the granule treating clinical neoteny.%[目的]研究小儿抗早熟颖粒对特发性性早熟模型大鼠的干预作用.[方法]建立大鼠性早熟模型,通过设立对照组,观察小儿抗早熟颗拉对性早熟大鼠的第二性征及血清中的E2(雌二醇)等的干预作用.[结果]模型组SD大鼠的阴门开启和建立性周期的时间显著提前;药物组SD大鼠的性周期时间延缓;正常组的子宫脏器系数与模型组、药物组无差异差异;卵巢脏器系数差异显著:模型组最高,药物组最小;E2模型组最高,药物组和正常组低.[结论]小儿抗早熟颗粒能延迟SD大鼠阴道开口平均日龄,降低卵巢脏器系教,控制E2过度升高,延缓性发育.



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