


[目的]探讨国家级名老中医葛琳仪教授从医50年来的临床经验和辨证思维.[方法]随师侍诊,选取四则葛老临床诊治医案,从不同的角度体现葛老的临证思维.[结果]四则医案体现了葛老临床诊治中,融辨体质、辨病、辨证为一体,因人、因时、因地实施辨治;在遣方选药上,匠心化裁,以用药简练,轻重有度为特点,力求法捷效速.[结论]葛老临床经验丰富,临床上以擅治呼吸系统与消化系统疾病及疑难杂症而著称,其临床辨证思维及遣方用药独到之处,值得我们深刻体会与学习.%[Objective] To study and carry forward national famous old doctor of TCM Pro. Ge Linyi's rich clinical experience and clinical thinking accumulated for 50 yean. [Methods ]The author studies from Pro. Ge and selects four cases to reflect the clinical thinking from different perspectives. [Results] The four cases reflect that combining the differentiation of physique, disease and symptoms together in treating disease depends on different persons, different places and different time; In prescription, Pro. Ge strives to act rapidly with the succinct feature. [Conclusion] Pro. Ge is well known in treating respiratory system and digestive system diseases and difficult miscellaneous diseases. Her clinical thinking and herbal prescription for one's own knack in, is worthy of our deep experience and learning.



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