首页> 中文期刊> 《浙江中医药大学学报》 >朱方石教授辨治胃癌前病变验案四则




Objective]To discuss the experience of treatment of precancerous lesion of gastric cancer(PLGC) from professor Zhu Fangshi. [Methods]From following Prof. Zhu Fangshi clinical treatment, four medical cases of PLGC treated by Prof. Zhu were chosen and summarized in this paper, to experience the academic ideas and experience for treatment based on syndrome differentiation and the correspondence of formula and syndrome. [Results] Prof. Zhu obtains that the treatment of PLGC with traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) has unique advantages.He thinks the weakness of spleen is the main pathogenesis of PLGC.The distinction and treatment should be based on the principle of distinguishing deficiency from excess, distinguishing the root from the branch.It’s also important to realize the significance of blood stasis and emotional disturbance in the development of disease,learn from famous doctors and identify medication on the basis of modern pharmacological research.The application of combination of disease and syndrome, the correspondence of TCM basis and modern research, and connection of Chinese herbal and western medicines that has obtained significant effectiveness. [Conclusion]This paper chose four medical cases to reflect the effectiveness of Prof. Zhu’s academical ideas, and it is worth drawing reference and learning.%[目的]探讨朱方石教授辨治胃癌前病变的经验。[方法]通过随师侍诊,择选并总结朱方石教授辨治胃癌前病变的医案4则,从中体会其对胃癌前病变的辨证论治及选方用药方面的思路及经验。[结果]朱方石教授认为中医药治疗胃癌前病变确有独特优势,其主张从脾虚立论,重视健脾益气这一治疗大法;强调治分虚实,详辨兼夹,重视瘀血和情志等因素在疾病发生发展中的重要性;立法谴方取名医经验之长;辨病用药参照现代药理作用及研究结果。朱方石教授注重辨病与辨证相结合、中医基础与现代研究相结合、中药与西药相合的诊疗理念,临床应用,颇获良效。[结论]本文择选朱方石教授临床辨治验案,体现其诊疗理念对改善患者病情效果显著,为临床治疗胃癌前病变提供方法和思路,值得学习和借鉴。



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