首页> 中文期刊>浙江中医药大学学报 >梅国强教授治疗复发性口腔溃疡经验




Objective] To sum up the Professor Mei Guoqiang treatment of recurrent oral ulcer clinical experience. [Method] Through the literature analysis, system reading Professor Mei's academic idea and clinical experience in related works; by observing and recording the clinical work with Professor Mei, summed up the experience of Professor Mei in treating oral ulcers, and through the description of the specific case. [Result] Professor Mei obtains that the fire burning inside, phlegm dampness, blood stasis are the main pathogenesis.The basic rule of nourishing yin and clearing fire,dissipating phlegm to activate blood,with the fundamental decoction, accompanied by dampness detoxification, clearing heat and collaterals ,strengthening the body resistance and astringing sores,brings notable results. The clinical effect is significant. [Conclusion] Professor Mei specializes in the treatment of oral ulcer, this clinical experience has a great effect on relieving the patient's symptoms, improving the quality of life of patients. The clinical experience is well worth learning and promoting.%[目的]探讨梅国强教授治疗复发性口腔溃疡的临证经验。[方法]通过系统阅读与梅教授学术观点及临证经验相关的论著、临床跟梅师侍诊等方法,总结梅教授辨治复发性口腔溃疡的经验,并通过案例具体说明。[结果]梅师认为饮食不节、嗜食辛辣肥甘,或素体阴虚、劳伤过度为口腔溃疡的主要病因,虚火内灼、痰湿内蕴、瘀血内阻为主要病机,治疗以滋阴清火、化痰活血为法,自拟口疮溃疡基本方,临证佐以利湿解毒、清热通络、扶正敛疮等方法,收效显著。[结论]梅师治疗复发性口腔溃疡有独到的临床经验,对改善患者的症状、提高患者的生活质量,效果明显,值得学习推广。



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