首页> 中文期刊>浙江中医药大学学报 >袁斌教授从五脏论治小儿过敏性紫癜经验探析




[目的]探讨袁斌教授从五脏论治小儿过敏性紫癜的经验.[方法]通过介绍袁斌教授从"肺脾气虚、心肝有余、肾不足"角度辨证治疗小儿过敏性紫癜的临床经验,总结其学术观点和辨治方法,并附典型验案一例.[结果]袁斌教授认为本病的发生与五脏关系密切,心肝有余为生理基础,肺脾气虚为病理特点,后期涉及肾阴亏虚.治疗分期而论,急性期辨证为风毒瘀热证,从心肝入手,治以清热凉血、活血化瘀、祛风解毒,自拟丹芍方,迁延期辨证为肺脾气虚证,着眼于肺脾肾三脏,治以益气固表、健脾助运、滋阴补肾,选用玉屏风散、四君子汤加减.[结论]袁斌教授治疗小儿过敏性紫癜有独到的学术思想和临床经验,临床疗效良好,值得推广应用.%[Objective]To explore Professor YUAN Bin's experiences on treating Henoch-Schonlein purpura in children from five zang-organs. [Methods] Through introducing the Professor 's experience on treating Henoch-Schonlein purpura from "asthenia of pulmonosplenic qi, exuberant heart and liver, deficiency of the kidney", the author summarized the teacher's academic thoughts and clinical treating experience of the disease and medication characteristics,and one proven case was presented respectively.[Results] Professor YUAN Bin believes that the incidence of Henoch-Schonlein purpura in children is closely related to the five zang organs, exuberant heart and liver is the physiological base, asthenia of pulmonosplenic qi is the pathological character, deficiency of kidney-Yin will be involved in later period. Treatment should be staged in terms of different periods.In acute stage,the patient is stuck with wind evil and stagnated heat,the method of clearing heat and cooling blood ,removing blood stasis in the vessels, dispelling wind should be adopted by directing at heart and liver,creating"Dan Shao Fang";In relieving stage, the disease belongs to asthenia of pulmonosplenic qi ,the approach of strengthening the spleen and tonifying the lung, nourishing kidney yin should be taken according to lung,spleen and kidney,treated with Yupingfeng San and Sijunzi Decoction. [Conclusion] Professor YUAN Bin has unique clinical experience for Henoch-Schonlein purpura treatment based on spleen-insufficiency constitution related theory, with significant effect ,has the value of popularization and application.



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