首页> 中文期刊> 《浙江中医药大学学报》 >孙志教授泻胃补脾针法治疗2型糖尿病的经验




[Objective] Summarize the treatment of type 2 diabetes from Prof. SUN Zhi 's experience in order to direct clinical learning, by using acupuncture therapy to purge stomach fire and reinforce the spleen. [Method] Sum up the Prof. SUN Zhi 's academic ideas and clinical experience on how to select acupoints by learning from professors and researching some typical cases. [Result] Prof. SUN Zhi takes advantage of the main pathogenesis from type 2 diabetes to help guide acupoints selection on the treatment of stomach preponderance and spleen weakness. The main acupoints are Zusanli, Neiting, Zhongwan, Sanyinjiao, Taibai and Piyu. Stomach meridian requires lifting, thrusting, twirling and rotating on Zusanli, Zhongwan and Neiting, while Spleen Maridian requires lifting, thrusting, twirling and rotating on Sanyinjiao, Taibai and Piyu, which in together benefit purging fu-organs to eliminate heat, strengthening spleen and nourishing qi and improving islet function.[Conclusion] Professor SUN Zhi has a unique experience especially in terms of diabetes treatment with the theory of spleen and stomach, in which the clinical efficacy has been significantly achieved. His performance has important direction to our future research and study.%[目的]总结孙志教授泻胃补脾针法治疗2型糖尿病的经验,以指导临床学习.[方法]通过跟师学习,研究典型案例,将孙志教授运用泻胃补脾针法治疗2型糖尿病的学术思想和临床选穴经验进行归纳和总结.[结果]孙志教授认为由于现代人们生活状态的改变,2型糖尿病的基本病机不再为传统的"阴虚为本,燥热为标",而是总属于胃强脾弱证,治疗当以通腑泻热、健脾益气为主.其独创之泻胃补脾针法主穴为足三里、内庭、中脘、三阴交、太白、脾俞,其中胃经之足三里、内庭及胃募中脘三穴行提插捻转泻法,脾经之三阴交、太白及脾之背俞穴脾俞三穴行提插捻转补法,可有效改善患者症状.[结论]孙志教授运用脾胃理论治疗糖尿病经验独到,取得显著的临床疗效,具有指导意义,值得共同学习.



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