首页> 中文期刊> 《浙江中医药大学学报》 >新安医家叶熙钧《东山别墅医案》血证辨治特色初探




[Objective] To study the xinan doctor YE Xijun "Dongshan Villa Basis" in the treatment of blood 30 cases, in order to reveal YE Xijun treating academic thoughts and clinical characteristic. [Method] In the Dongshan Villa Basis, 30 blood diseases cases as example, the combination of Neijing, the Synopsis,"JingYue Encyclopedia","Treatise on Blood Trouble","LU Chuan Medica"and other relevant works and YE's academic thoughts, interpretations of YE's blood case, comprehensive analysis of the syndrome differentiation of academc thoughts and clinical characteristic. [Results] From the Dongshan Villa Basis for blood test case shows: YE's treating fact is good at from the perspective of the "harmony", attaching importance to reconcile the viscera qi and blood, Yin and Yang, tonifying Yin of purging heat, using cold drugs, with gentle winding, emboding the syndrome differentiation and medication of YE's characteristics. [Conclusion] The clinical blood outstanding features, could combine classical and YE's works to dig deep research of related basis, to the fact of TCM syndrome differentiation thought to have a broader understanding, expand the clinical blood train of thought, help to improve the level of clinical syndrome differentiation.%[目的]研究新安医家叶熙钧《东山别墅医案》中治疗血证验案30则,揭示叶熙钧血证辨治学术思想及方药特色.[方法]以《东山别墅医案》中血证验案30则为研究对象,结合《内经》《金匮要略》《景岳全书》《血证论》《陆川本草》等相关论述论著与叶氏学术思想,阐释叶氏血证验案,综合分析其辨治学术思想及方药特色.[结果]从《东山别墅医案》治血验案可知,叶氏辨治血证擅长从"和"入手,重视调和脏腑气血阴阳,立育阴泻热之法,喜用甘寒鲜品,佐以甘平和络,体现了叶氏的辨治与用药特色.[结论]叶熙钧临证治血特色突出,后学若能结合经典和叶氏论著对相关医案进行深入挖掘研究,则对中医血证辨治思想有更开阔的认识.本研究结果,拓展了临证治血思路,有助于提升临床辨治血证的水平.



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