首页> 中文期刊> 《云南警官学院学报》 >预防农村基层组织人员职务犯罪对策研究——以昆明市近郊农村为例




农村基层组织人员职务犯罪在现阶段呈蔓延态势,严重干扰了国家支农、惠农政策的落实,损害了农民群众的切身利益,已经成为影响农村社会稳定﹑制约农村经济发展、阻碍农村法治建设的重要因素。惩治只是治标,预防方为治本,预防远比惩治重要和有效。本文以昆明市近郊农村为例,在剖析农村基层组织人员职务犯罪的基本现状,梳理预防措施,有针对性地提出对策建议。%It has been increasing crimes committed by staff of rural primary organizations by abusing their power, which has severely impeded the implementation of national preferential policies for farmers, hurting their vital interests. Such crimes will unsettle the social stability in rural area; hinder its economic develop- ment and legal system construction. Punishment will just be a kind a passive measure taken after the crime committed. Working on the way of prevention can significantly help us to take the initiative to counter the crimes effectively. This essay takes Kunming as an example, analyzing the basic situation of crimes committed by taking advantage of duty in rural area, listing ways of prevention, and further proposing countermeasures .



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