首页> 中文期刊>云南行政学院学报 >残疾模式与福利模式的匹配性研究




在一定社会形态和历史发展条件下,残疾人社会福利的实现程度,受到残疾模式和福利模式共同影响。这“两种模式”之间如何相互影响,匹配性如何在学界却鲜有研究。通过研究发现:“两种模式”在一定社会历史条件下相互匹配,其匹配度与残疾人福利水平呈正相关关系。目前我国残疾人社会福利水平不高,究其根本是残疾模式与社会福利模式出现错配。因此,通过研究残疾人社会福利理念和政策的调整配对,寻找到“两种模式”的匹配点,具有重要的理论价值和实践价值,将有助于从根本上提高残疾人福祉水平。%Under the condition of certain social formation and historical development, the realization degree of the social welfare of the disabled is affected by the model of disability and welfare. However, how the “two models” influence and how to match each other, few studies have been conducted in the academic world. Through the study, it is found that: in a certain social and historical conditions,“two models” match each other, and the matching degree and the welfare of the disabled persons are posi-tively correlated. However, at present, the level of social welfare of disabled persons is not high, which root cause is the model mismatch of disability and social welfare. Therefore, through the study of the disabled social welfare concept and policy adjustments to find the matching points of“two models”, has important theoretical value and practical value, will help to fundamentally improve the welfare of the disabled.



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