首页> 中文期刊>云南行政学院学报 >分类应对:扶贫实践中地方政府的行动策略r——以F县Z村为例




地方政府在执行上级扶贫政策时采取不同的应对策略,具体表现为:地方政府对上级政府的"唯命是从",完全按照上级的政策要求行事;"过度解释",主观扩大政策规定的范围或提高政策执行力度;"适当变通",为了平衡政策对象的利益,在执行政策时会进行适当变通;"适度突破",未严格按照政策规定行事,针对特殊情况予以特殊处理,跨越制度限定的边界.地方政府采取不同应对策略具有一定的适用性和合理性,这反映出国家制定政策的意志和逻辑与农民的利益诉求和实际需求可能存在一定偏差和错位.建议国家在制定和实施相关扶贫制度政策时,多从民众的视角出发,据此设计出的制度和政策在实施过程中才会更加顺利,产生最大化的效益和效果.%Local governments adoptted different coping strategies in implementing superior pro-poor policies:(a) "at beck and call of superiors",implementing in strict accordance with the requirements of superior policies;(b) "overinterpretation",subjectively enlarging the scope of policies or enhancing the implementation;(c) "moderate flexibility",despite the accordance with the requirements of the policies, moderately flexible when implementing polices to balance the interests of the beneficiaries;(d) "moderate breakthroughs",acting not strictly in accordance with policies and regulations,but crossing the lines defined by institution and giving special treatment to special situations. It is to some extent rational and applicable that local governments have different coping strategies. However,it also reflects that the state will and logic of policy formulation might not exactly match the interests and actual needs of peasants. The author of the paper suggests that when formulating and implementing the relevant policies of poverty alleviation,the state should try to consider the design and implementation of the policy system from the perspective of the peasants as far as possible. The systems and policies designed accordingly will be implemented more smoothly,and generate maximum efficiency and effectiveness.



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