首页> 中文期刊>云南行政学院学报 >农民上楼致贫问题研究r——以S省Q县H街道F村为例




精准扶贫稳步推进的同时,上楼致贫问题悄然出现:村民们生活成本显著增加、 入不敷出、 生活质量急剧下降."致贫"原因主要包括:增减挂钩收益对上楼农民的直接补偿过低、 生产方式转型落后于居住方式变化、 社会保障不健全导致老年人生活困难.为了尽量避免上楼致贫,要在是否上楼问题上充分征求民意,要提高增减挂钩收益对农民的直接补偿比例,要做到生产与生活方式的同步转型,要尽快完善社会保障,消除低收入者的后顾之忧.%With carrying out of the policy of accurate anti -poverty,going upstairs leads to poverty. The living costs for villagers have increased rapidly,such as insufficient living expenses,sharply declined quality of life and their reduced disposable wealth etc. Then,the reasons mainly include:firstly, the direct compensation for the farmers,who went upstairs by the policy,is too low;secondly,the transformation of production mode lags behind the change of the mode of residence;and the imperfect social security made life difficult for the elderly. In order to eliminate the poverty,for a start,the authority should respect the wishes of farmers. What's more,it is necessary to increase the percentage of direct farmers' compensation so that the transformation of production and lifestyle can be synchronized,improving social security,and eliminating all worries for low-income groups.



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