首页> 中文期刊>玉林师范学院学报 >浅析萝村旅游资源的开发与保护




Luo Villege is located in the Minle town, Beiliu City, Guangxi. the village is a place gathering of beautiful natural landscape, talents and historical sites, In 2011 November, Luo Village has been identified as one of the first batch of historical and cultural village in Guangxi. The celebrities of Luo Village come forth in large numbers, Such as Chen Zhu--the famous poet in China;Chen Yibai, contemporary educators, theorists, dean of Guangzhou Teachers College; Chen Qianjun--the historian, Professor of South China Normal University. Luo Village also saved a large number of local traditional architecture and the ancient residential communities, existing 30 multiple attractions such as Wuxi College of Chinese rose village site, Yunshan temple, former residence of Chen Zhu, they all have high historical and cultural value. Luo Village has rich historical and cultural resources, but its tourist resources is far from being fully developed, the reasonable planning and development of the ancient village from the perspectives of historical and cultural protection is needed.%“萝村”位于广西壮族自治区北流市民乐镇,是一处自然景观优美、人文荟萃、历史遗迹丰富的古村落,2011年11月萝村被确定为广西第一批历史文化名村之一。萝村历代名人辈出,如近代著名国学家诗人陈柱,当代教育家、理论家、广州师范学院院长陈一百,历史学家、华南师范大学教授陈千钧等。萝村还保存了大量地方传统建筑及古民居群落等,现存有无锡国专萝村校址、云山寺、陈柱故居等景点30多处,具有极高的历史文化价值。萝村具有丰富的历史文化资源,但其旅游资源还远没有被完整地开发出来,需要从历史文化保护的角度对古村进行合理的规划和开发。



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