首页> 中文期刊>玉林师范学院学报 >论邓小平政治意识形态建设的新思维




邓小平重新恢复和发展了解放思想、实事求是的政治意识形态建设思想路线,在此基础上,开辟了一条以政治意识形态服务经济建设为中心工作、以四项基本原则为核心内容、以改革开放为战略依托的中国特色社会主义政治意识形态建设新路径;同时也探索了新时期政治意识形态具体建设应准确完整地理解和把握毛泽东思想的科学体系,坚持“三个有利于”标准、不搞抽象的政治性争论,坚持公有制和共同富裕两大基本原则,坚持“两手抓、两手都要硬”的策略,强调高度警惕西方敌对势力的“和平演变”战略。%Deng Xiaoping restored and developed the ideological construction of “emancipating the mind, seeking truth from the facts”. On this basis, he opened up a new path for the Chinese ideological construction, that is, “economic construction as the center, four basic principles as the core content and opening up as the strategy”. the pragmatic coordinates of thinking on this basis, has opened up an ideological service of economic construction as the center to the four cardinal principles as the basic content of the reform and opening up strategy relying the ideological construction of the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, to exclude the "left"and right ideological interference, scientific answers to the problem of the construction of socialist ideology, but also to explore the ideological construction should follow two basic principles of public ownership and common prosperity, adhere to"three favorable"standard, not to engage in abstract political debate and deep-seated problem. And stressed the need to accurately understand and grasp the scientific system of Mao Zedong Thought. It is also proposed that ideological construction in new era requires accurate and complete understanding and grasping the scientific system of Mao Zedong Thoughts, adhere to the “three benefits” principle, abandon empty political arguments, stick to the principles of public ownership and common prosperity, insist on the strategy of “both hands”and remain alert to the Western hostile forces’ peaceful evolution.



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