首页> 中文期刊> 《长江科学院院报》 >机载LiDAR数据的电力塔建模方法研究




电力塔作为电力传输中的重要设备,以及电力设备检测和管理的重要支持,其提取与可视化建模具有巨大的实际应用价值.在此方面,传统的量测与制作手段存在周期长、人力和财力耗费大的不足.机载LiDAR系统作为一种主动式的测量传感器在近十几年来取了快速的发展,其获取的高精度、高密度的三维点云使得快速高效的电力塔建模成为可能.提出了一种基于机载LiDAR点云数据的电力塔建模方法,其通过检测电力线对的连接点定位和提取电力塔,通过建立三维空间格网、利用二值图像轮廓跟踪的方法跟踪三维线结构,并由三维空间线特征建成电力塔三维模型.实验证明:此方法所建立的模型完整度高,能够保留点云所描述的三维空间位置以及拓扑特征,是可行和有效的.该成果可以有效地应用于电力设备管理与监测以及数字城市等可视化系统.%Power line and tower detecting and modeling, as an important problem in the electric power transmission, is getting more and more concerns in recent years. The traditional photogrammetric function is costly and time consuming. LiDAR (light Detection And Ranging) system provides a new way of data collection and achieved great development in the recent decade, which made it possible of modeling power tower efficiently, nevertheless till now the tower modeling problem is still lack of feasible solution. The author proposed a workflow of modeling the power tower, by utilizing the connection node of line pairs to detect the tower points, while building a 3-D grid to reconstruct the 3-D power tower with the line tracing function on binary grid data. Experiment results vindicate its rationality and validity. The modeling method could be applied to power equipment management, monitoring, and visualization system.



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