首页> 中文期刊> 《长江科学院院报》 >对《长江科学院院报》近年来影响因子的分析与思考




从《长江科学院院报》(简称《院报》)的定位和报道内容出发,首先分析了2009—2013年该刊在知网数据库中的影响因子主要指标,明确了本刊在全国科技期刊、水利工程类期刊中所处的位置;其次,对影响《院报》影响因子的几个因素(发文量的控制、优秀稿件的来源、综述性与热点性及学术前沿性论文的报道、论文报道时差)进行了全面分析;同时对期刊影响因子评价体系提出了几点看法:既存在客观性与科学性,也存在局限性与盲目性;并且提出了学术期刊其核心使命是为学术研究服务的,期刊本质是学术成果登载的载体,无论是传统纸质期刊,还是网络时代的数字期刊,其内容永远是期刊的核心,没有高质量论文内容,就谈不上学术影响;最后,认为不要对影响因子盲目崇拜,每一本学术期刊都有自己的独特学术风格,《院报》应立足于长江,凸显长江的水资源开发与利用、水环境治理与生态保护、水利工程建设与管理等方面的科学问题,在保证期刊质量的同时,形成“长江特色”才是《院报》今后的发展之路。%According to the position and content of Journal ofYangtze River Scientific Research Institute (hereafter referred to as the Journal),we recognized its status among Chinese scientific journals and hydraulic journals by ana-lysing the main indicators of its impact factor in CNKI database.Moreover,we analysed several parameters which af-fect the impact factor,including control for the amount of published papers,the sources of excellent papers,the publishing of reviews,hotspots and academic frontiers,as well as time difference of receiving and publishing.We al-so proposed that the evaluation system of impact factor is objective and scientific,but sometimes partial and sight-less.Furthermore,the mission of academic journal is to serve for academic research,which means that academic content is the essence of journals,no matter traditional papery journals or digital journals in network times.Without outstanding papers,journals will be like water without a source,and tree without roots,much less academic impact. Finally,we emphasized it is blind to worship impact factors,for each academic journal should have its individual ac-ademic characteristics.As for the Journal,the essential content and academic style of it is to highlight the exploita-tion,regulation,protection and management of the Yangtze River.In the future,on the premise of improving paper's quality,we should gradually develop a unique academic feature by specializing in the Yangtze River.



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