首页> 中文期刊> 《长江科学院院报》 >生态需求流量与河道内生态需水量计算研究--以澜沧江、红河为例




目前关于生态需水的研究较多,但相关研究主要是从水资源需求和流量控制这2个角度进行理论方法以及案例应用方面的探讨,未将二者有力地结合在一起。将河道生态需水总量与河流生态需求流量相结合,提出了生态需水系数-水文参数耦合模型,选择西南纵向岭谷区2条典型河流的相似断面进行案例应用研究,分别计算了河道内生态需水量和河流生态需求流量,并对比分析了二者的结果,同时对不同地区的案例应用进行了比较分析。经过计算,结果表明:红河河道内最小、适宜以及理想生态需水量分别占还原径流量的21.55%,34.51%,54.62%;而澜沧江河道最小、适宜以及理想内生态需水量分别占还原径流量的15.61%,27.45%,48.85%;由红河干流生态需求流量推算的河道内生态需水量占还原径流量的42.27%,而澜沧江推算值为19.06%。分析可知:生态需求流量与河道内生态需水量由于应用层面不同而使得其结果有一点差异,通过对二者的综合分析,可以为水资源管理以及生态保护提供一定的科学支持;多元相关性分析结果表明,提出的河流生态需求流量的模拟结果有很强的相关性;将生态需水系数-水文参数耦合模型应用于澜沧江与红河生态需水的计算研究,发现该模型具有很强的实际操作性。%Present researches on ecological water requirement mainly focus on the theoretical approaches and case applications in terms of water resources management and ecology protection,yet no study has been carried out on combining water resources management with ecology protection.In view of this,a model coupling the ecological wa-ter requirement coefficient and the hydrological index is established to calculate the ecological in-stream flow re-quirement and ecological in-stream water requirement in rivers.Two typical rivers (Lancang river and Honghe riv-er)in southwest China are taken as case study.Comparison on the application results reveal that the minimum,ap-propriate and optimal ecological water requirement in the Honghe River respectively accounts for 21.55%, 34.5 1% and 54.62%of the natural run-off of Honghe River,while the minimum,appropriate and optimal ecologi-cal water requirement in the Lancang River respectively takes up 15.61%,27.45% and 48.85% of the natural run-off of Lancang River.The ecological in-stream water requirement of Honghe River deduced from the ecological flow requirement occupies 42.27% of the natural run-off of Honghe River,and the ecological in-stream water re-quirement of Lancang River calculated by ecological flow requirement makes up 19.06% of the natural run-off of Lancang River.Owning to differences in application,the results of in-stream ecological water requirement and eco-logical flow requirement are slightly different.Multivariant correlation analysis verifies that the calculation results are strongly correlated,and the model presented in this paper is highly applicable.This comprehensive analysis provides scientific support for both water resources management and ecological protection.



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