首页> 中文期刊>盐城工学院学报(自然科学版) >基于三维人体测量的福建地区青年男性腰臀区间形态分析




This article mainly discusses about the form and character between the area of waist-hip for human trousers so as to improve the well-fitting and comfort of male’ s trousers.We randomly selected 182 young males in Fujian area between 18 to 22 as samples, The relevant data of human bocly's waist-hip interval were acquined by the method of 3D human body mcasurement. And we respectively analyzed the section form,the girth form as well as the stereo form.And the result shows that the ratio of ver-tebral and vector of buttocks and the ratio of vertebral and vector of waist are less in discretion.And the ratio of vertebral and vector of buttock is larger than that of waist.There is a strong linear relationship between waist cumferent and hip circumference. We selected 8 typical specifications, and analyzed the main sectors.By using K-means clustering method and analysis of vari-ance, the waist-hip interval surface morphology is divided into six categories finally.%为提高男性裤装合体度与舒适度,本文着重探讨与人体裤装密切相关的腰臀区间形态特征。随机抽取福建地区182名18~22岁青年男性为样本,通过三维人体测量方式采集人体腰臀区间的相关数据,分别对腰臀区间截面形态、围度形态、立体形态进行分析。结果表明臀横矢比与腰横矢比离散程度较小,横矢比较腰横矢比略大;腰围与臀围存在较强的线性关系;通过主成分分析提取8项典型指标,运用K-均值聚类法和方差分析,最终将腰臀区间曲面形态分为6类,为福建地区男性裤装设计提供理论参考。



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