首页> 中文期刊> 《忻州师范学院学报》 >论民国时期黄涵之慈善事业




HUANG Han-zhi has served as Head of serious charities.He is a dignitary who did good deeds through all his life and was lighted in charity.His charitable activities involved in disaster relief,education,culture and other fields.He was the well-know philanthropist.The study on Huang Hanzhi is still weak now in historical science,let alone the research on his philanthropy.Study on HUANG Han-zhi's philanthropy,not only give an objective and unbiased assessment of HUANG Han-zhi's contribution and status in the development of modern philanthropy in Zhejiang,shanghai period,which will make up for the lack of charity history,but also has a positive and practical significance in the development of Charities in china today.%黄涵之曾任上海普善山庄、上海慈善团、上海孤儿院、妇孺救济会、仁济医院、上海红十字会等慈善机构董事。他一生几乎都在担任官职,但却乐善好施、热心公益,其慈善活动涉及赈灾、救济、教育、公益事业等各个领域,是妇孺皆知的大慈善家。目前史学界对于黄涵之的研究还非常薄弱,其慈善事业研究更无人涉及。对黄涵之的慈善事业的研究,不仅可以对黄涵之在江浙沪地区近代慈善事业中的所作出的贡献予以客观公正的评价,弥补近代慈善史研究的不足,而且对现今我国慈善公益事业的发展也具有积极的意义。



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