首页> 中文期刊>西安电子科技大学学报(自然科学版) >无线传感器网络分布式同步协议




针对无线传感器网络同步问题,提出分布式时间同步和分布式数据同步的解决方法。前者要求簇头网络进行局部信息交互,并采用低通滤波技术去除噪声干扰;后者为节点提供网络数据均值,要求簇头网络执行比例一致性算法,簇头在迭代过程中引入簇内节点数量。实验结果表明,分布式时间同步具备抗噪声能力,该算法在前期收敛速度最快。网格状网络和随机网络实验表明,分布式时间同步和分布式数据同步的通信开销非常低,它们的收敛速度均高于普通数据同步。%Distributed time synchronization and distributed data synchronization are proposed for the synchronization problem in wireless sensor networks . The former requires the cluster head network to execute local information exchange , and it adopts low‐pass filtering to remove the noise interference . The latter provides network‐wide data mean to nodes , and it requires the cluster head network to execute the proportion consistency algorithm , in which the number of nodes within a cluster is introduced during the iterative process . Experimental results show that the distributed time synchronization maintains anti‐noise performance , and that the algorithm converges fast in the earlier stage . Grid‐like network and random network experiments show that distributed time synchronization and distributed data synchronization have a low communication overhead , and their convergence rates are faster than that of general data synchronization .



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