首页> 中文期刊>西安电子科技大学学报(社会科学版) >基于贸易摩擦视角的中国商务政策分析




The development of economic globalization makes the trade between countries become increasing frequent and they pull out all the stops to make full use of trade defense instruments to maximize the benefits in global trade. With the rising status of China in international trade, the trade frictions become more, deeper and increasingly extensive. It is a fundamental way to improve the trading environment by constructing sound business policy system, regulating the behavior of trading enterprises and raising the awareness of the IPR protection. This paper analyzes the business policy and the trading friction cases based on the China Statistical Yearbook and China Trade Remedy Information Network from 1997 to 2010 which are largely based on the logic of“two-way triangular framework”. It is concluded that the existing business policy system is lack of a bit reasonable number, type and subject. Therefore, it needs to construct public service platform to connect different legal systems and make the weak links perfect.%  经济全球化发展使各国之间的贸易往来日益频繁,同时各国使出浑身解数充分利用贸易保护手段,力图在全球贸易中获取最大利益。伴随着中国在国际贸易上地位的崛起,所遭遇的贸易摩擦问题数量越来越多、程度越来越深、范围越来越广泛。构建完善的商务政策体系,规范贸易企业的行为、提高知识产权保护意识,能从根源上改善我国的贸易环境。本文主要依循“双向三角框架法”的逻辑,对1997-2010年《中国统计年鉴》中公布的全部商务政策及依据中国贸易救济信息网公布的贸易摩擦案件,进行分析。认为我国现有的商务政策体系在数量、类型及主题分布上欠缺合理性,需进一步搭建公共服务平台、联通不同法律体系、完善商务政策体系的薄弱环节。



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