首页> 中文期刊>襄阳职业技术学院学报 >立身百行,以学为基——新时期再论高校党员、干部的学习




"立身百行,以学为基",学习应当是人生中的一件大事,尤其是承担着文化引领功能的高校,学习更应当成为每名教职工的一种生命状态. 如何引导教职工,特别是党员干部"爱学"、"勤学"、"善学"、"乐学",激发他们竞进提质的精神状态,这是我们各级党组织都要认真思考并努力解决的问题. 文章从"为什么要学"、"学什么"、"怎么学"三个方面进行阐述. 旨在通过大兴学习之风,提振党员、干部干事创业的精气神,从而有效推进学校科学发展.%As the saying goes, "Code of all conducts must be based on study". Study should be a great part in life, especially in colleges and universities responsible for the function of culture leading. Study should be a condition of life for each teaching and administrative staff members. How to educate and guide the teaching and administrative staff, particularly the Party members and cadres to love study, and study diligently, constantly and happily, making them compete to be better in quality and state of mind is the problem our party organizations at all levels should give serious thought to and try to solve. This article elaborates three aspects "why to study", "what to study" and "how to study", aiming to energetically encourage the practice of study, boost the state of mind of the Party members and cadres and effectively promote the scientific development of our college.



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