首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Space Education at the University of Texas at San Antonio: Army Space Cadre - Learn from Southwest Research Institute Scientists (Army Space Journal, 2009 Summer Edition)

Space Education at the University of Texas at San Antonio: Army Space Cadre - Learn from Southwest Research Institute Scientists (Army Space Journal, 2009 Summer Edition)

机译:德克萨斯大学圣安东尼奥分校的太空教育:陆军太空干部 - 向西南研究院科学家学习(陆军太空学报,2009年夏季版)



Best professions utilize education to continue to develop the professionals within an organization over the course of the career. The Army adheres to that practice as manifested by Noncommissioned Officer Education System, Officer training from Basic Officer Leader Course to ILE, branch/career field specific training, and the Advanced Civil Schooling program. Working as a Space Professional or a Space Cadre member as a Space Enabler allows Army personnel to be in the Space Profession which follows this developmental paradigm very well. Continued education in a variety of venues allows for broadening of knowledge in a career field, such as FA40, or in a subset of skills, such as the 3Y Space Activities Skill Identifier. Therefore, continuing education has a significant role in professional development as indicated by Samuel P. Huntington in his book The Soldier and the State. Education is one of the distinguishing characteristics of a true profession. The Army Space Profession follows this example very well. Space Cadre members increase their knowledge through many educational venues. Three of these offer great opportunities for development in Space operations.



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