首页> 中文期刊>西部林业科学 >云南高黎贡山赧亢东白眉长臂猿的鸣叫及其行为




In order to investigate the calls function of Eastern White-browed Gibbon ( Hoolock leuconedys ) , a family with the pair bond and their baby, and a solitary female were tracking observed and their singing frequency and behavior were recorded in the spring and autumn of 2007, spring 2008 at Nankang of Mt.Gaoligong, Yunnan. The results showed that there was significant difference ( p=0.05 ) between different year in terms of singing time period and frequency .The call duration of the family was longest in the spring of 2008 because of the following three reasons.Firstly, the less frequency of singing in 2007 was needed due to the family has to protect their ba-by.Secondly, the female of family was in oestrus and was preparing coition in 2008 and increased their singing frequency and time of duration after lost their cub in 2007 winter.Thirdly, the closer distance between the family and the solitary female in 2008 spring caused increasing of the call frequency .In this study the frequency of suc-cessful duet bout of family in spring was higher than that in winter.The function of duet more supported the hy-pothesis that it could strengthen the relationship of the pair bond rather than the hypothesis that it played the de-fense function of territory and resource.The chorus between the family and solitary female showed the difference functions.For family, the chorus was associated with the warning and defense function.For solitary female, the function of chorus need to be further studied .%为探讨东白眉长臂猿的鸣叫功能,于2007年春、秋季和2008年春季对分布在高黎贡山赧亢的1♀1♂(成体)1幼的家群和独猿(1♀,成体)跟踪观察,记录其鸣叫频次及行为。研究结果表明,家群年间鸣叫时间和频次差异性显著( p=0畅05)。三个季节比较,以2008年春季家群的持续鸣叫时间最长。导致这种情况的原因有三,首先是2007年春季家群需要保护幼猿,所以减少鸣叫;其次,2008年幼猿死亡后家群中雌性个体发情和交配准备导致鸣叫频次和持续时间增加;再次,2008年春季家群和独猿的相对距离较近,导致春季长臂猿鸣叫时间和频次较高。秋季家群成功的二重唱频次高于春季,其二重唱行为更多地支持加强群内雌雄配对关系假说,而非空间和资源防卫假说。群间的合唱还与家群的警戒和防御有关;对雌性独猿而言,长时间对家群的尾随和回应性鸣叫,其功能含义还需深入研究验证。



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