首页> 中文期刊> 《渭南师范学院学报》 >新型工业化内涵视角下西部军民融合的政策选择




从新型工业化内涵角度看,目前,西部地区新型工业化发展面临的实际问题是科技含量较低,经济增长质量不均衡,资源利用率较低和环境污染严重,人力资源开发滞后。历史上,国防科技工业曾作为领先产业有力地推动了关中地区的工业化,现阶段,在西部地区开展军民融合可以有效地解决上述问题。借鉴发达国家成功开展军民融合的宝贵经验,西部省市政府需要在军民融合上有所干预,通过颁布和制定相关政策条例,管理落实科技计划,培育开放型产业链和军民结合型创新主体等措施,从宏观、中观、微观三个层面全面确保军民融合在西部新型工业化建设中发挥出卓有成效的作用。%From the perspective of the connotation of new industrialization, the new industrialization in the western region is fa- cing four practical problems: low-tech, unbalanced economic growth quality, the low utilization rate of resources and serious envi- ronmental pollution, lag of human resources development. As a leading industry, defense-tech industry strongly promoted the indus- trialization of the Guanzhong region. The civil-military integration can effectively solve the above problems nowadays. Drawing on the successful experience of developed countries, Western governments need to do some intervention. From Macro level, meso level and micro level, the paper comprehensively ensure that the Civil-Military Integration play an effective role in the construction of new in- dustrialization by related policy regulations, science and technology plan, open industry chain and innovative mechanism.



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