首页> 中文期刊> 《水利与建筑工程学报》 >海相软黏土电化学改性固结试验研究




通过对海相软黏土的电化学改性固结试验,探索同一盐溶液在不同浓度条件下对软黏土改性固结的影响,对海相软黏土的电化学改性固结机理进行了分析,试验采用三组室内试验,变量为盐溶液浓度,阐述试验现象;分析并对比电化学改性固结试验与普通电渗排水试验的电流变化规律;根据电化学改性固结试验的能耗公式,分析同一盐溶液不同浓度情况下的电化学能耗规律;最后分析并解释了同一盐溶液在不同浓度下对海相软黏土电化学改性固结的土体最终承载力的影响。研究得出:电化学改性固结试验由于通电时间的减少,使试验能耗值较普通电渗排水试验大大降低;注入浓度为25%的Ca-Cl2溶液时,土体最终承载力最高;通电停止后7 d龄期时,土体中间区域的承载力大于其他区域。%The purpose of this experiment was to explore the influence on the soft clay modification consolidation when the clay was treated with the same solution in different concentrations through the electrochemical modification of marine soft clay consolidation tests .The mechanism of electrochemical modification consolidation of marine soft clay was analyzed , through three groups of indoor tests ,in which the variables were the concentrations of salt solution .Current variation reg-ularity of electrochemical modified consolidation test and electroosmotic drainage test were analysed and compared .Ac-cording to the electrochemical energy formula of modified consolidation test ,different concentrations of salt solution on the law of electrochemical energy consumption were analysed .In the final analysis ,the influence on the ultimate bearing ca-pacity of the soil mass which underwent the electrochemical modification of marine soft clay consolidation was analysed and explained .The results indicate that the power consumption value of electrochemical modification consolidation test was greatly reducted compared with the ordinary electroosmotic drainage experiment , due to shorter period of charging time .The ultimate bearing capacity of the soil mass is highest when injected concentration of 25% CaCl2 solution;the bearing capacity of the middle area is larger than other areas of the soil mass at 7 d age after the powercut .



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