首页> 中文期刊> 《振动与冲击》 >高速铁路接触线气动参数仿真及风振响应研究




为深入研究接触网系统在风载荷作用下接触线形成的风振响应,采用流体力学软件Fluent模拟计算形状不规则接触线截面的气动力参数,由其获得接触线与承力索的风载荷模型。在有限元软件MSC-Marc中建立京津城际铁路接触网整体模型,并利用MSC-Marc用户子程序功能实现接触网中接触线及承力索的风载荷动态输入,求解得接触线在不同风速、不同初始风攻角风载荷作用下产生的风振响应。结果表明,由于接触线的气动特性,任意风攻角风载荷作用下接触线竖直方向振动位移均值为负值,会加剧弓网间相互作用;接触线扭矩系数很小可忽略不计,接触线发生驰振原因之一为升力系数随攻角变化较大,在风攻角25°左右最可能发生驰振现象。%In order to study wind vibration responses of contact wire during a catenary system under wind load,the aerodynamic parameters of contact wires with irregular cross-section shapes were calculated using CFD software Fluent. The wind load models of contact wire and carrier cable were deduced based on the aerodynamic parameters.The finite element model of the catenary system was built by using MSC-MARC.Using the user subroutine of MSC-MARC,the dynamic input of the wind load on contact wire and carrier cable was realized.The wind vibration responses of contact wire under wind loads with different wind speeds and attack angles were simulated.The results showed that the mean vibration displacements of contact wire in vertical direction under wind load with any attack angle due to its aerodynamic characteristics are negative,they intensify the interaction between pantograph and contact wire;the torque coefficients of contact wire are small and can be ignored;the rapid change of lift coefficients of contact wire is one of the reasons to cause contact wire galloping;the galloping of contact wire is more possible to occur at the wind attack angle of 25 °.



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