首页> 中文期刊> 《交通运输系统工程与信息》 >广州亚运会车辆调度信息系统设计与实践




The vehicle monitor and control is an important part of transportation organization in large sport evens. Several problems are placed such as monitoring vehicles operation and distribution with information technology, accurately collecting and recording vehicle scheduling data, and efficiently organizing vehicle operation. Under the background of Guangzhou Asian Games, the paper analyzes the vehicle managing organization and the demand for information scheduling. Then, it designs the vehicle control information system. The system logical structure, function structure and network structure are involved, and the operation flow is discussed. The application in Guangzhou Asian Games 2010 proved the efficiency of the system and feasibility to be popularized.%大型运动会中车辆组织调度历来是各届大型运动会交通运输保障中的重点.采用信息化手段实时掌握车辆运行和分配情况,全面记录和统计车辆和调度的数据信息,有效指挥和调度车辆资源已成为亟待解决的重要问题.本文基于广州市亚运会交通运输保障工作的实际需要,分析亚运会车辆组织管理机构和车辆信息化调度管理的需求,提出一种车辆调度信息系统的设计思路,设计了系统的逻辑结构、功能组成和网络拓扑结构,并对业务流程进行了详细设计.该系统已在2010年广州亚运会的实际车辆组织管理中得到成功应用,实践表明效果良好,具有推广应用前景.



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