首页> 中文期刊>交通运输系统工程与信息 >中国城市公共交通的效率研究--基于三阶段DEA模型的分析




传统的公共交通效率评价忽略了管理无效、外在环境变量与统计干扰的影响,本文采用三阶段DEA模型,以我国35个中心城市2010—2013年的公共交通面板数据为样本,从成本效率与服务效果两个层面研究了公共交通的效率。研究表明,环境影响及随机干扰对服务效果的影响较为显著,超大城市和东部地区的平均成本效率最高,特大城市和西部地区的平均服务效果较好,公共交通回归公益性定位后的服务效果逐年上升;公共交通行业的技术效率实现增长,全要素生产力逐年下降,在提高效率的同时,建议控制行业的合理发展规模,提升吸引力。%This paper is to evaluate the cost efficiency and service effectiveness of public transport under the problem that has not considered the effect of management, external environmental variables and statistical interference. The analysis is performed using Three Stage DEA Method, with public transport operation annual data from 2010 to 2013 for 35 central cities in China. It's concluded that the environmental impact and the random interference effect is significant for service effectiveness;the average cost efficiency of cities which have over ten million population and the eastern regions in China have the better performance, the average service effectiveness of cities which have more than three million populations and the western regions in China have the better performance. While, the service effect of public transport is increasing year by year after the public transport industry back to public welfare position. The technical efficiency of public transport industry is increasing, but the total factor productivity is decreasing. So control the industry's reasonable development scale and enhance the attractiveness is the focus for improving the efficiency.



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