首页> 中文期刊> 《中医文献杂志》 >类编型古医籍的他校方法探讨*--以《杏苑生春》为例




他校法在校勘类编型古籍过程中占有重要地位。采用他校法,首先要探寻引用文献,只有掌握引用文献的情况,才能对他校用书了然于心;其次要归纳引文形式,主要有全篇引用、成段引用、混合引用、化裁引用等;第三要区分明引与暗引,以便在他校时采用不同的处理方式;最后要确定他校原则。运用他校法时应当重视前期调研,以便制定出针对性强的校勘原则,同时应避免盲目校改。%Comparative proofread is important in the process of emendating ancient books with category edition. There are four points mentioned in this paper. Firstly, comparative proofread could be only applied properly under the condition of investigating the sources on quotation literature concretely. Secondly, comparative proofread has different kinds of quotation, such as passage-quotation, paragraph-quotation, mixed-quotation, content-quotation etc. Thirdly, it's necessary to distinguish direct quotation from indirect quotation, choosing best method in comparative proofread. Final point is to confirm the strategy in comparative proofread. Therefore, investigation should be put much attention on the early stage of this proofread to design accurate strategies of emendation, avoiding any random correction.



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