首页> 中文期刊> 《通化师范学院学报》 >青阳腔唱腔曲牌的音乐特征研究




The Qingyang aria is one of national intangible cultural heritage, known as the "originator" of Beijing opera, the "living fossil" of dramatic, makes a significant contribution to the development of Chiina's dramatic. Due to the influence of vari- ous factors, the inheritence of the Qingyang aria in the new period is on the verge of crisis, urgent needs rescue and pro-tection. The article tries from perspective of musicology to discuss the music characteristics of aria and qupai of the Qingyang aria in terms of the factoxs of modes, the methods of melody going and the characteristics of qupai, from which to explore its formation reasons of unique style, to let more people get to know Qingyang aria, and pass down this intangiblecultural heritage from generation to generation.%青阳腔是国家级非物质文化遗产之一,被誉为京剧的“鼻祖”,戏曲的“活化石”,对我国戏剧的发展做出了重大贡献。由于受到各种因素的影响,青阳腔在新时期的传承濒临危机,急需抢救和保护。该文试图从音乐学的角度,在调式、旋法、曲牌特点等要素中探讨青阳腔唱腔曲牌的音乐特征,从中发掘其独特风格形成的原因,让更多人去了解青阳腔。将这一非物质文化遗产代代传承下去。



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