首页> 中文期刊>天水师范学院学报 >唐宋舍利信仰的变化--以泾川出土舍利铭文为例




Sarira belief is an important part of the Buddhist faith, with the Buddhism was introduced into, sarira be⁃lief also gradually became popular in middle-earth. In the Sui and Tang dynasties sarira faith gradually into the top, all kinds of sarira induction ruixiang also constantly emerging, sarira burial system of mature, sarira belief is mainly composed of Buddha bone sarira. In the song dynasty, who had faith gradually generalization. Buddha sarira, monk sarira, and various andother substitute appear, from then on, sarira sanctified characteristics began to weak faith. Jingchuan county is located in the crossroads of the ancient silk road area, here has found three times sarira, accom⁃panied by sarira inscriptions, to gather so sarira, can represent the mediaeval sarira beliefs change.%舍利信仰是佛教信仰的重要内容,伴随着佛教的传入,舍利信仰也在中土逐渐流行起来。到了隋唐时期舍利信仰逐渐进入高层,各种舍利感应之瑞祥也不断涌现,舍利埋葬制度也逐渐成熟,不过这一时期,舍利信仰还是主要以佛骨舍利为主。到了宋代,舍利信仰逐渐泛化。佛骨舍利、高僧舍利、以及各种舍利替代品出现,从此,舍利信仰的神圣化特征开始淡薄。泾川县位于古代丝路的要冲地带,在此地先后三次发现舍利,并伴有舍利铭文,所以对于泾川舍利及其铭文的研究,可以了解中古时期舍利信仰的变化。



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